
MindBody Therapy is a successful complementary health and well being company, whose main centre is based in Forest Hill, SE23 but they cover all of London and the South East with their services including for Corporate Bookings.

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020 3417 6108



MindBody Therapy / General  / Nutrition; Theta healing; CBT; Energy Healing; Angelic Reiki
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Nutrition; Theta healing; CBT; Energy Healing; Angelic Reiki

During this season of new growth, the MindBody Group is also branching out and introducing some new therapies

ANGEL REIKI & THETA HEALING with Paulina Tanye. Theta healing is an intuitive healing technique where the practitioner will identify which key beliefs are holding your physical or emotional issue in a negative place. Transformation of this belief enables the client to help change their life and enchance wellbeing. Angelic Reiki is a ‘newer’ form of reiki using a higher and broader frequency of energy.

NUTRITIONIST – Veronica de Angelis, available for bookings on Tuesdays & Wednesdays. For those that want to simply improve their overall diet to individuals with more chronic health conditions. Useful for people with allergies, eczema, or autoimmune conditions, gut health issues, food intolerances, weight maintenance, stress, insomnia, ME or FibromyalgiaCognitive Behavioural Therapist – Georgina Forden has joined the team and can offer counselling for people with physical and emotional trauma.

Spiritual Healer – Clare Church is available for intuitive healing, reiki, negative energy healing, shamanic healing and more.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapist – Georgina Forden has joined the team and can offer counselling for people with physical and emotional trauma.

PS. We also still have Selina – Nutritionist (see website)

TO BOOK: Please call the centre to be referred to any of our specialists, so they can have a chat with you, if necessary and book you in.

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