
All Treatments Are Tailored According To Your Needs

  • Deep Tissue Massage

    Deep tissue massage (DTM) is a technique that focuses on the deeper layers of muscle tissue. It aims to release the chronic patterns of tension in the body using advanced massage techniques, slow strokes and deep finger pressure on the contracted areas. DTM can help to break up and eliminate toxins from muscles it can improve circulation and muscle tone and also promotes a sense of well being.

    Why get a DTM?

    As well as feeling good, it can be beneficial to your health. When muscles are stressed, they can block oxygen and nutrients. This can lead to inflammation,which in turn builds up toxins in the muscle tissue. DTM can help to loosen muscle tissue, releasing toxins from muscles, ensuring that blood and oxygen circulate efficiently throughout your body. DTM usually focuses on more specific areas and may cause some soreness during or immediately after the massage. However, you should feel better than ever within one or two days. DTM can also help you to sleep better, and is great for pain relief.

  • Signature Treatment- Body Stretch (Fitness Combi) Massage

    It is only natural to get up in the morning and yawn and stretch, stretching is also a great antidote to sedentary jobs as well as the obvious pre and post training/work out session. A good stretch session can work out kinks and restore range of motion and can be especially helpful for those who are involved in regular vigorous exercise, such as sports, dance and gym goers.

    It is the process of gradually applying gentle force to lengthen and lubricate muscles and joints. It is a way to show you love your body because it requires complete focus on yourself. Stretching has both neurological and mechanical effects on muscles and connective tissue. A stretch needs to be held long enough for muscles to relax so that they can be passively lengthened. As you hold a stretch, consciously relax the tight muscle and feel the myofascial tissues around it elongate. Once the muscle fully relaxes, the connective tissues can begin to stretch.

    This treatment involves passive stretching. Passive is when someone else moves your muscle and when matched with massage can improve the benefits of stretching threefold:

    • Can achieve agreater muscle stretch
    • Control of stretch intensity
    • Can increase relaxation during stretch by reducing muscle and joint tension thus helping you achieve a better range of movement
    • Stretch,strengthen and stabilise muscles and joints; helping you to feel better thus aid natural recovery
    • Can improve your technique and reduce the risk of injury during activity (e.g.muscle pulls, sprains, aching joints etc)

    A massage therapist is able to focus on isolated muscles or the whole body. A massage brings the body back into balance so that muscles are properly aligned. A massage can realign scar tissue with gentle force over a period of time as suppleness is restored to the skin. A massage therapist will make sure you don’t overdo muscle stretching if you are recovering from an illness, an athlete between workouts or not in good condition.

    The benefits of combining stretching and massage include improving blood pressure and heart rate. You may believe that only people who excessively exercise have good body tone, but that is not true. Stretching can slowly lead to aerobic exercise but along the way your body will experience greater muscle tone. A massage may be passive stretching but it can offer active vitality in your life.

  • Signature Treatment - Caribbean Heated Massage

    I (Devon) was unwittingly taught Caribbean Heat Massage back in the 60’s in a little farming parish in Jamaica called St.Thomas. My Grandfather, a small holding farmer used to get me to heat up camphorated oil (Camphor oil), mixed with coconut oil to rub into his aching back and shoulder after a hard days work in the fields. The main factor of that was the heating of the oil over kerosene lamps and I didn’t realise how much I was being taught at the time.

    Came to England as a young boy and after many years became a therapist and on my visit back to St.Thomas I visited Bath Fountain,which are naturally heated springs. I was persuaded to have a massage from a local therapist who dipped my towel in the water then placed it on my back and proceeded to massage my back using the heat. This reminded me of my grandfather and his heated oils.

    On my return back to England I tried and failed in many attempts to reconstruct those techniques. After years of practising heat massage, I feel I have now perfected the capturing of these feelings by my new treatment called ‘Caribbean Heat Massage’ This treatment is for pampering,relaxation or it can be combined with deep tissue to soothe aches and pains,relaxing muscles but rejuvenating you at the same time.

  • Signature Treatment - Heated Massage

    Massage with heat to relax the muscles using a combination of massage techniques honed from Devon’s years of experience. Can help to alleviate aches and pains. Can be soothing or deep tissue or strong but soothing, you decide.

  • Signature Treatment - Pain Relief Combi Treatment

    This could include Myofascial release techniques; Massage manipulation; Stretch; Hip alignment

    Do you hold a lot of tension or pain? Due to various factors such as… bad posture, work injuries and so forth…

    If the answer is yes, then this treatment is designed perfectly for you! Myofascial release is a safe and very effective hand’s on technique – a gentle pressure is applied on your connective tissues to release tension (Fascia, the connective tissue covers the entire body from head to toe). Thereafter a variety of massage techniques are used, these will vary depending on the client’s specific needs, resulting in a decrease of tightness in the fascia & muscles – helping to alleviate tension.

    This technique is very subtle and is very relaxing; often the client will automatically feel the release in their body.

    PS. This is not necessarily a deep tissue massage as there may be gentle techniques used

  • Abdominal Sacral Massage

    Abdominal Sacral massage is a non-invasive and effective therapy for digestive and reproductive systems. This massage for women is focused on abdominal and pelvic areas. Many people address complains such as constipation, IBS, bloating, irregular/painful period, menopause symptoms, fertility issues, low back pain and more.

    It works by bringing back organs within abdominal and pelvic areas to a balanced state by releasing restricted tissue helping to restore correct position and encouraging blood and lymph flow. This in turn improves circulation. This deep colon massage also helps to loosen up hardened gut and encourage a natural movement and emotional release as our gut holds more nerve neurons than our brain and spinal cord, which means unwanted memories will sit and fester, waiting for us to have the courage to release them.

    Benefits of this massage:

    • Constipation
    • IBS or Bloating
    • Digestive problems
    • Irregular or painful periods
    • Menopause symptoms
    • Reproductive, Fertility issues
    • Stress, Mood swings

    Plus more…


    • First trimester of pregnancy
    • Just prior to or during period
    • If you have a coil fitted
    • Immediately following abdominal surgery
    • Fever
    • Presence of open wounds and active infection

    We would advise not to have any heavy meals within about an hour before the massage.

  • Aromatherapy Massage

    Aromatherapy Massage is a total relaxation, soothing body massage combined with the use of aromatic essential oils and scents that can be highly effective in enhancing physical, mental and emotional wellbeing.

    Benefits & Effects

    This treatment can have physiological and psychological benefits. Through the combination of the massage and essential oils (Either inhaled or absorbed through the skin).

    Physiological Benefits:

    • Aches and pains relating to the muscles and joints such as arthritis and backaches can be effectively treated with the help of aromatherapy
    • Could help to restore the balance in your body
    • Can enhance blood circulation
    • Energy levels can be increased as blockages and congestion in the nerves are eased

    Psychological Benefits:

    • Can help reduce nervous tension
    • Should boost the overall state of well-being
    • Could promote reduction of feelings of anxiety and depression & lift your spirit/mood

    What essential oils do we use?

    Oils that we use in our aromatherapy massages are proven plant essences, extracted from plant’s flowers, leaves, stalks, bark, rind or roots and are all pre-blended by ourselves. Which oils are used depend on each clients requirement,  using grapeseed oil as our base.

  • Holistic / General Swedish Massage

    Holistic comes from the Greek word “holos” meaning whole. The holistic approach to treatments takes into account a person’s whole being – mind body and spirit and not just the symptom or ailment. So then aftercare advice can be given with regards to your environment, nutrition and your health as a whole,both physically and psychologically.

    Everything we do in our daily lives affects our body. We can suffer symptoms of stress from working in an uncomfortable environment or feelings of being under pressure because of deadlines needing to be met, or just leading a very busy life which in the end leads to us feeling tired, exhausted, stressed and anxious.

    That’s why massage is so good as it just helps us to take that crucial time out to pamper, to heal, to relax, to alleviate stress, aches and pains and leave us feeling grounded, balanced and recharged.

  • Indian Head Massage

    Indian head massage uses and adapts classic Swedish massage techniques, for treating the scalp, face, neck, shoulders and upper arms. It is extremely effective for treating stress because it works on the areas of the body most affected i.e.the shoulders, upper back, neck and head. Reducing stress, helps to prevent stress-induced muscle spasm in the back as well as shoulders and arms and also reduces inflammation or subsequent pain.

    However, although the treatment focuses on the upper torso and head, the effects are felt throughout the entire body. It is performed whilst the client is clothed,which makes it effective for short treatments (and for treating clients who are uncomfortable about undressing).

    This massage improves circulation and helps to remove waste, particularly lactic acid, from muscles thus reducing aches and pain. Working on the neck and shoulders will help to reduce tension, stretch the tissues, increase flexibility and release tightness in overworked muscles.

  • Pregnancy Massage

    All pregnant women can expect to experience at least a little stiffness and muscular tension during their pregnancy as their uterus expands to accommodate their growing baby. Fortunately there is a simple and effective way to not only treat some of the side effects of pregnancy but also leave you feeling great.

    Massage therapy during pregnancy can often relieve many of the common side effects of pregnancy, whether you suffer from backaches, headaches, swelling or other pregnancy related problems. Your doctor may suggest that you don’t have treatments or join some exercise classes until you’re at least 12 weeks pregnant and also after more than 32 weeks pregnant. Do check with your doctor first.

    Back pain is one of the more common side effects of pregnancy. Back pain can continue throughout pregnancy and even after. If you have to carry around other small children you may find your symptoms exacerbated during pregnancy. Fortunately massage can help relieve back pain associated with muscular tension.

    Here are just a few of the other benefits prenatal massage has to offer:

    • Prenatal massage helps relieve swelling by stimulating circulation throughout the body.
    • Leg massage can help reduce leg cramps and swelling in the legs.
    • Massage is very beneficial for relaxing anxiety during pregnancy.
    • Massage can help promote more restful sleep

    When you go for your massage, let the therapist know if you have any particularly sensitive areas or if you are uncomfortable. There will be extra pillows, wedges and extra padding to help you get comfortable. Your therapist can help you move into different positions, sitting, lying on your side or semi reclining depending on what is comfortable for you so you can relax and enjoy the benefits of a massage.

  • Reflexology & Massage Combination(Minimum 90 min)

    A variety of massage techniques can be used, including deep tissue, muscle energy work and stretching to release muscle tension thus restoring a healthy balance to the musculo-skeletal system.

    Reflexology is a pressure therapy given on the feet(or hands), where all the structures and organs of the body are reflected in miniature. For example touching one part of the foot or toe corresponds to different parts of your body’s organs, systems & structures.  In a one hour treatment all these points are pressed for a full routine on each foot.

    Having the combination treatment can enhance the work done on the body both internally and externally.

  • Remedial Massage

    Remedial Massage is deep tissue massage that efficiently treats injuries. It removes blockages and damaged cells, speedingup recovery and encouraging complete healing. Regular massage ensures that unnoticeably small injuries are treated before they reduce performance. It effectively removes scar tissue remaining after old injuries, reducing repeat injuries.

    Lack of blood supply to the spine is a significant cause of long-term back pain. Lack of movement and incorrect use of muscles reduces oxygen supply,resulting in pain. Remedial Massage increases blood supply to soft tissue. Following a recent injury, improvement or complete recovery is seen after 1-3 sessions. It is especially effective for reducing pain within the body.

    A variety of techniques can be used, including deeptissue, muscle energy work and stretching to release muscle tension thus restoring a healthy balance to the musculo-skeletal system.

  • Soothing Foot Massage

    This is a treatment which massages the reflex points in the feet, similar to reflexology in that it refers to the foot map but using soothing massage strokes over the toes, soles of the feet, the heals, the ankles, calves, all the way up to the knees. This helps the circulation and also the lymphatic system which helps to relax the leg and rejuvenate heavy, tired legs. Can also help to tone muscles and detoxify the calves.

  • Sports Massage

    Massage is an important part of the schedule of sports professionals worldwide, from runners; cyclists; boxers; dancers;swimmers to tennis players. So, if it’s good enough for them, surely it can help you too? More and more people are realising that exercising also involves the care for the wear and tear and minor injuries that naturally occur. Looking after yourself with regular massage can improve performance and help to:

    • Reduce chance of injury
    • Improve range of motion and muscle flexibility
    • Shorten recovery time between workouts
    • Maximise the suppy of nutrients and oxygen through increased blood flow
    • Help eliminate the toxin by-products of exercise

    So, whether you’re preparing for the marathon,playing football on Sundays or doing regular workouts, regular masasge can benefit your lifestyle. See our special offer page for our clients who book regular sessions.

  • Top and Toe Massage

    Top and Toe massage, can be done while the client is fully clothed and concentrates on the head, neck, feet and calves. Using soothing strokes and finger pressure, it helps to unblock the meridian lines and clear toxins. A gentle massage on the scalp helps to drain lymph from the head, which improves circulation to the area.

    Also when massaging the reflex points on the soles of the feet, this also treats the whole body, draining lymph from the calves into the back of the knee which eases aches and pains.

    This massage is also a quick way to relax and soothe the mind and body and can easily be fitted into your day’s routine anytime you feel the need to have that ‘coffee or chocolate break’.

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