
MindBody Therapy is a successful complementary health and well being company, whose main centre is based in Forest Hill, SE23 but they cover all of London and the South East with their services including for Corporate Bookings.

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Everyone loves a hug! We love giving and receiving hugs and we need hugs especially when we are going through challenging times.

Now available (kindle version), this book gives you tips and techniques on looking after yourself, expressing yourself with the ones you love and also with those in the wider world. 

In 2020, when the world went through the Covid pandemic, many realised how much they missed hugging family and friends through the powerful connection of the human touch.  Especially for people who lived alone, the loneliness became palpable. A Healing Hug can help to give someone the strength to carry on.

In this book, Karen and Devon Burke explore and  share the Healing Hugs that they have received over the years, especially from families and friends but also through learning to give themselves a self-hug.

Look out for more sign ups; workshops; giveaways and downloads throughout 2021. In the meantime, follow our social media and read up on the 31 Days of Healing Hugs we did in January.

Healing Hug Book

Read more about what’s happening with books on the new website

Power Up

“An amazing, motivating guide which has helped me to REALISE my immediate and long-term goals – Karen’s book provided some real insight and now, I feel that I am able to actually work towards my goals with her realistic exercises and tips. Thank you Karen!!” -LO

Stop procrastinating…

How many times have you said that you’re ready to move forward only to drift back into old habits and before you know it, the year has finished and you haven’t reached your goals or made progress towards who you want to be?

I Can Do It - Karen Burke

Some people who come to me haven’t got a clue about what is next in their life. Some have an idea but lack the motivation and allow themselves to stay in the ‘comfort zone’. If you are serious about moving forward, read on but also try out the exercises as well to solidify your thoughts and make your new lifestyle a reality. You can start from the beginning (recommended) or if you already know where you are and what you want to do, skip to the chapter you most need now and start from there. See this book like a ‘side piece’ – something you can dip into time and time again to help:

  • Keep you on track
  • Stay inspired
  • Lift you up when feeling negative
  • Or kick you in the butt to push you forward
Ebook Sheets

We all know when we feel uncomfortable and something is nudging us to change direction, let go or sit still. Whatever ‘it’ is, listen more, pay attention…life only wants what is best for you, so be kind to yourself and stay whole and well. It isn’t always easy if we need to move into the unknown but one step at a time, ensures we build courage, life muscles and the capability to make the ‘out of comfort zone’ transformation from caterpillar to butterfly, sometimes in a shorter time than we imagined, if we but choose to trust. So buy this tool book, full of practical exercises and life examples and come along with me to POWER UP your life!

  • Examine where you are and tune into You (INTUITION)
  • Get clearer about your passions, goals and who you want to be (CLARITY)
  • What you can start doing to reach there (ACTION)
  • Make sure you follow through taking daily steps (NOW)


Then shout out with me…

I Can Do It - Karen Burke
Ebook Buy Now


Karen Burke

Read more about what’s happening with books on the new website