Some people who come to me haven’t got a clue about what is next in their life. Some have an idea but lack the motivation and allow themselves to stay in the ‘comfort zone’. If you are serious about moving forward, read on but also try out the exercises as well to solidify your thoughts and make your new lifestyle a reality. You can start from the beginning (recommended) or if you already know where you are and what you want to do, skip to the chapter you most need now and start from there. See this book like a ‘side piece’ – something you can dip into time and time again to help:
We all know when we feel uncomfortable and something is nudging us to change direction, let go or sit still. Whatever ‘it’ is, listen more, pay attention…life only wants what is best for you, so be kind to yourself and stay whole and well. It isn’t always easy if we need to move into the unknown but one step at a time, ensures we build courage, life muscles and the capability to make the ‘out of comfort zone’ transformation from caterpillar to butterfly, sometimes in a shorter time than we imagined, if we but choose to trust. So buy this tool book, full of practical exercises and life examples and come along with me to POWER UP your life!
Then shout out with me…
Karen Burke