
MindBody Therapy is a successful complementary health and well being company, whose main centre is based in Forest Hill, SE23 but they cover all of London and the South East with their services including for Corporate Bookings.

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MindBody Therapy / Community  / What do You want this year?

What do You want this year?

As we slowly wake up to the fact it is a new year…what is it we are saying to ourselves? “Oh gosh, I don’t want to go into work”, “I’m not going to let this year pass without XXX”, “This year I’m going to…”?


So…what’s important to you this year? Why? What must you do to get it? How will it make you feel if you get it or achieve it? Why? Keep asking these questions to get to what you really want before just ‘Doing’ things you think you should, so you can target what will really make you tick and what will make a difference to you & those around you. No matter what your goals are this year, it’s important to think of them in terms of not only what you have to DO but what you would like to FEEL and BE.

Karen Burke – Personal Life Coach

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