
MindBody Therapy is a successful complementary health and well being company, whose main centre is based in Forest Hill, SE23 but they cover all of London and the South East with their services including for Corporate Bookings.

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MindBody Therapy / Community  / Book of the Month – Feel the Fear and Do it anyway

Book of the Month – Feel the Fear and Do it anyway

Fantastic book for those who like to procrastinate! KB

“With each risk you take, each time you move out of what feels comfortable, you become more powerful”

“If I am not making mistakes I can be sure I am not learning or growing”.

“Determine what you want in life and act on it.  Stop waiting for someone to give it to you.  You’ll be waiting a long time”.

“Every time you encounter something that forces you to ‘handle it’, your self esteem is raised considerably.  You learn to trust that you will survive, no matter what. And in this way your fears are diminished immeasurably.

All extracts from the book – we have a few copies in the centre.

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